The rules are: Answer the questions with only one word, award six people the award and notify them that they won... It is that easy!!
1 Where is your cell phone? Purse
2 Your hair? brown
3 Your mother? pessimist
4 Your father? loving
5 Your Favorite food? Salmon
6 Your dream last night? none
7 Your favorite drink? coffee
8 Your dream/goal? money
9 What room are you in? living
10 Your hobby? art
11 Your fear? health
12 Where do you want to be in six years? anywhere
13 Where were you last night? home
14 Something that you aren't? miserable
15 Muffins? yes
16 Wish list item? recognition
17 Where did you grow up? delaware
18 Last thing you did? blog
19 What are you wearing? sweater
20 Your Tv? off
21 Your pets? none
22 Friends? Love
23 Your life? content
24 Your mood? positive
25 Missing someone? no
26 Vehical? sonata
27 Something your not wearing? jewelry
28 Your favorite store? craft
29 Your favorite color? pink
30 When was the last time you laughed? yesterday
31 Last time you cried? yesterday
32 Your best friend? Debbie
33 One place that I go over and over? car
34 One person who Emails you regularly? no one
35 Favorite place to eat? Bistro'
I nominate : Art Dolls By Nat, Dlynne Artdolls-OOAK sculptures, fabby Dolls, Judy's Wicked Ways,
Little Bit Wired and Odddollz by jacqui !!!
I understand if no one wants to find time to do this! LOL I am hope to bring a smile to you ! Many Blessings everyone!
With Love
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