Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Hi This is my 100th baby sculpt, she is one of a kind, about 5 inches. She is not quite done. I need some sun! :)
Hope you all enjoy your Halloween!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Work in progress... baby, dragonfly pendant...

I am so bummed, this baby has so many moonies, and I am basically out of clay and no funds for it yet... oh well she is going to be cute, and I will finish her with all the cracks:) Since I could never do another one like her. She is 101 sculpt!
So I had fun making these tiny dragon flies for necklaces or pins. Made from Sculpy. I still have to paint and figure out a design to make them stronger. I had fun experimenting. I will clear coat too for added durability and I am thinking of a polymer clay leaf or wrapped wire, so many ideas going through my head. The one on the right has black beads for eyes!

New Dragonfly Boxes

Each box is one of a kind, the original design was hand etched on marble. Original colors very different. Dragonfly is printed, hand painted, cut and glued to a sponge painted box. Several coats of clear water based sealer has been added.
I create the boxes for my tiny angel and baby ornaments. Now I have to get back to sculpting.
but.... couldn't help myself I made a dragonfly pendant ??? Not finished and still working on ideas!
This original dragonfly is hand etched on black granite. It is very difficult to get a picture so it is tilted. I plan on creating boxes with this design soon. I spent so many years studying the wings of a dragon fly they are not perfect but have a beautiful artistic quality.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New One of a Kind Boxes hand painted original Design

These two boxes are not complete... I have a purple dragonfly for the pink box. designs are now glued, and one layer of modpodge is done. Each box is one of a kind. Will post more pics later :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thank you for this award LindaGJ


Linda of Visual Smiles Gallery gave me this award! Click on icon to visit her blog!
Thank you Linda!

The rules are: Answer the questions with only one word, award six people the award and notify them that they won... It is that easy!!

1 Where is your cell phone? Purse

2 Your hair? brown

3 Your mother? pessimist

4 Your father? loving

5 Your Favorite food? Salmon

6 Your dream last night? none

7 Your favorite drink? coffee

8 Your dream/goal? money

9 What room are you in? living

10 Your hobby? art

11 Your fear? health

12 Where do you want to be in six years? anywhere

13 Where were you last night? home

14 Something that you aren't? miserable

15 Muffins? yes

16 Wish list item? recognition

17 Where did you grow up? delaware

18 Last thing you did? blog

19 What are you wearing? sweater

20 Your Tv? off

21 Your pets? none

22 Friends? Love

23 Your life? content

24 Your mood? positive

25 Missing someone? no

26 Vehical? sonata

27 Something your not wearing? jewelry

28 Your favorite store? craft

29 Your favorite color? pink

30 When was the last time you laughed? yesterday

31 Last time you cried? yesterday

32 Your best friend? Debbie

33 One place that I go over and over? car

34 One person who Emails you regularly? no one

35 Favorite place to eat? Bistro'

I nominate : Art Dolls By Nat, Dlynne Artdolls-OOAK sculptures, fabby Dolls, Judy's Wicked Ways,

Little Bit Wired and Odddollz by jacqui !!!

I understand if no one wants to find time to do this! LOL I am hope to bring a smile to you ! Many Blessings everyone!

With Love

Kreativ Blogger award


Here are the award rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

Thank you Deena of Fabby Dolls for nominating me for this award! I am trying to figure this out!
1. I am an only parent of a beautiful young boy, my inspiration for my dolls.
2. I live with my Parents...
3. I have studied martial arts for over 10 years, but never received my black belt.
4. I was filmed for the show "That's Clever" (HGTV) in May 2007 creating a dragonfly marble tile, still waiting to air!!!
5. I was a bartender for two years.
6. I have studied natural medicine for 15 years.
7. I am new to the internet world and love it!

I nominate:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tiny New babies ooak hand sculpted Boy and Girl

This is Amy On ebay now She is so tiny!

He is my 99th sculpture! Will be on e Bay soon!!! Have a great day

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Witch "Tiffany" Halloween ADO ART Doll Challenge

Well I think she has to be done! I probably will continue to do a few things... but for the most part, She is finished! But an artist is never done!
Hope you enjoy her! I am pleased. She is serious! Hugs

Monday, October 12, 2009

New baby Girl ooak hand sculpted original Halloween doll

Hello just wanted to show my new baby girl. I am still working on my witch... but I had to make this baby for this pumpkin outfit that was given to me by a very talented friend Barb! I do not sew or crochet maybe some day!
Hope you enjoy her! Her hair is really red.....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Wip Witch

Well I finally added her hair! .... maybe another day!