Friday, July 24, 2009

Mini gift boxes

I just wanted to share a new idea. These tiny boxes are hand painted and decorated with some of my original artwork. (copies of hand engraved rose, dragonfly, butterfly on marble) They are coated with glittery mod-podge on the top and a clear coat on the box itself. They measure around 2.5" tall and 4" wide. They are perfect for a little mini sculpture. The boxes were purchased at a local craft store. Love to hear what you think! Thank you Hugs!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Elements Challenge Doll "Air"

This is a new journey for me. Joining the sculpting group ADO has been a blessing. The inspiration I have received form all the talented artists here is Hugh! I can't think of a better word... Here are pics of my two fairy babies.
I choose air which lead me to create wings. The fairies are resting on the earth, could be two elements?? My goal was to have a unique set of wings... after I do a few more I will post a tutorial.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Sleeping baby girl or boy

This is baby is my 85th sculpture. I love him or her... can't decide. But there are a few cracks in the face I can't get out. I sanded as much as I can or want to. I do not think they take away that much. He looks so real at a glance!

Bailey dressed in New Out fit

I removed the wings to use for another doll.
The wings are so pretty I decided to use them on a full sculpt older fairy they can be viewed from all sides. I haven't created her yet... but I will. This is Bailey's new clothes they fit her so much better!

Tiny mer-babies in love forever

Hi, just finished the final touches... these two mer-babies are just under 3 inches. They are in love and fit perfect in their tiny treasure chest. They were made for each other.